Ways to improve confidence!

Monika Anbu
3 min readJul 20, 2021

Did you know that every person on this earth gets nervous ? But you may think that how do get so much confidence and why don’t I?

The most famous and successful people are put in one category and the persons who are in the mid pathway of being successful are in the next category and the last who are satisfied with the success level they have reached.

This is how we have been categorized in our own assumptions and let me tell you something every people have gone through this stage. Every person gets nervous but a very few people desire to take action. And that actions teaches them a lesson and let me tell in short and easy steps.

Step 1:Do not compete

Do not compete or get yourself degrade that the other person is better than you. Remember everybody runs their own race and their own dreams. Yes , there are haters around to tell you that you cannot succeed but even they do have their dreams to follow or let’s improvise that they may find you a competition but then let’s just not put that in mind.

What I am saying is be yourself and do not dare to compete anyone. Instead improve where you lack in areas where you see yourself.

Step 2: Make it a habit

It is very common thing to know that it takes 21 days to include a new habit in your routine life. So start to include an habit of seeing yourself in the mirror and don’t just stare. But speak about a random topic. You can’t take the topic called “complaint.” No, I didn’t tell you to do that. You may start off with the recent movie you watched or a book you have read. Record yourself so that you can see yourself where you improvise.

Step 3: How you present yourself?

Think about it. Take a pause on your reading and use a minute or two wisely on how you present yourself. Your posture , body language and most important your facial expressions. You cannot stand in front of a crowd or in a interview giving the first impression as terrified expression. You have to feel good about yourself. You know what are your positives and focus on that. If you want some pointers like if you like to start with the quote you can start with that. It shows how you can be unique and standout from others.

Step 4: Do not fight your subconscious

The reason why I am saying this because I have faced this a lot of time. This is a real experience. I was always been fighting with my subconscious thoughts. It overlaid me and made me down whenever I want to be confident. I limited myself with negative thoughts that I can’t do this because of that and because of this and so on…

But I also tell you that controlling your thoughts doesn’t going to be handy either. So what you have to do is not to fight or avoid it. You create yourself a place where you can put your worries away. Simply write them in the paper fully , spend few minutes to worry about it and stop it and continue to hustle for the day with having positive mind.

Step 5: Simple Ingredient

Do not underestimate yourself. The biggest hater of all is only you. And the biggest love, kind , being there for is You. Do believe in yourself that if you desire anything in life , only you can make it happen. Nobody can live your life. As simple as that , give yourself a chance to consider for a change in your life.

God bless! Thank you!



Monika Anbu

Hey! I am just finding a way to follow my passion as a writer. And I write simple because I want to be spoken as people's language. Have a great day!!!.