I am an E-motion

Monika Anbu
2 min readMay 24, 2022


You probably saw this title and be wondering what is this about ? Well, allow me to explain, you know when you felt kind of urge to achieve a goal and before seeing the landline you go through a pace where you feel. A feel is like a temporary satisfaction and that breaks you into million ways no matter wherever you are at this stage. You find yourself guilty, worried, anxious, vulnerability. It almost feels like you are empty when you are on your way. You constantly tell yourself that it’s going to be ok, but eventually it’s gonna grow more and more before crack. I mean you can’t fill water in a glass that is already filled. It’s ridiculous how you managed to hold up and move forward and at the end the frustration allows you to exhaust yourself and be done with it.

Photo by Anthony Tran on Unsplash

All I’m saying this because we are driven by lot of struggles during our journey in life. The hurdles towards our success is different it out brings your talent, your new aspiration, your new fall, your new learning. That’s fine this will let you grow. However, “I’m inadequate,” “I’m not worthy,” “That person is better and I’m still at the same place,” and “I cannot be successful.” These are the things that you chose in between, you feel so emotionally attached to these words that prevents from joy of freedom. Sometimes it’s easy to trick your mind and get ahead, but when it sustains and believe by heart, it’s hard to recover yourself from that.

I have no solution, I have no achievable methods pull you from this realm. It’s challenging out there and competition is high but you want run, then keep running until you see the Finish Line. Make emotion as your motion to power up your fuel and drive faster. It’s not easy, It’s not a piece of cake to cut through let your emotions be the case of your achievement and not put you into a black hole.

Photo by Nicolas Hoizey on Unsplash



Monika Anbu

Hey! I am just finding a way to follow my passion as a writer. And I write simple because I want to be spoken as people's language. Have a great day!!!.